Thurs: there was no driving class on thurs hr tuh coz got jpj test which i was x involved..sbb ape? sbb aku xlyk lg..bru lulus QTI hr isn hr another 2 wks bru pegi jpj! bln puase..tahniah lar fai'e!
So..disbbkan dh xde kls..aku pon pegi IOI mall..tuh lar yg plg dkt ngan umah aku..nk gi msjd jamek bli baju mmg malas gile..kcuali ngan Norman..hoho~
Sasaran hr ini adlh utk cr kain baju raye aku..and baju melayu utk norman (coz kitorg kne pakai baju same color)..sdh 2 thn gi bli baju raye dgn die..thn nih xdpt.. =(
So check out the fruits at the end of the day..hehe~
hasil 1:tema thn nih sume nk pki songket sbnrnye 1st
me: blue
mom: dark blue (umi kulit putih xpe..)
nina: light purple
abah: xtau lg..(sgt cerewet)
aid: purple..(sedondon dgn awek die)
yg plg cantik tuh my mom punye..xle lar lwn tauke sbb tauke yg bli..plg xlawa my sis punye..hoho~adik slalu kne buli!
besides that..tiap2 thn my sis slalu nk 1 baju yg lbh kurg same dgn kakak die..and so..thn ni twin version looks like dis:red-nina's
nk buat fesyen bru yg hujung tgn kembang tuh..haih..xjumpe gmbr die kat google..
and the most funniest thing is..baju raye aid(my bro) dgn norman (ehem2) same, sebijik, exactly the same and like twin again! juz size lar beza sbb aid kurus kering (lg kurus dr aku..)..norman lak teddy bear version XL kot..huhu~jgn mrh dear..(erk? dh t'kurg phla mengate org bln puase nih..!)
so diorg punye baju warne purple:
-and together wif samping ala2 songket..bkn songket ori r..kalau ori mane dpt bwh 100 utk samping je..huhu~tuh tunggu dh kawin r ek..
so aid n norman akn sedondon mase open house nnt..pttnye norman ngan aku baju kaler biru xde yg lawa time 2..biru die kaler teal mcm wallpaper aku tgk..then xkn nk blikan norman bju melayu warne pink..xsesuai ngan die..hurm..maknenye ape? aku mgkn akn cr lg 1 bju warne purple gak! (xpe x m'bzr..sbb bju kurung leh pki gi kls kn??)
so bju norman di packaging kan secomel2nye..tgk nih:
~terase mcm tgh praktis wat hantaran lak~ =P (dh gatal nk kawin..)
dh hbs bli bju gi food court jap mengisi perut..then gi jusco lak..jln2 nmpk kad raye..huhu~
t'igt nk bg kad raye kat rmi org thn bli lar few..plg pntg ade kad utk 'si die'..xmain lar bg by hand..mst via post bru surprised..(surprise ke..sbb xde almt die dh t'hlg maka kne lar msg die n mintak almt..mst r die tau nk watpe kan..)
lawa x? kad bsr nih..
~sbnrnye ade bli lampu kelip2 utk gantung dpn x gantung lg sbb si aid nih mls btul nk tlg..geram btul aku..nnt dh gantung lawa2 aku ltk gmbr ek..meriah ckit puase2 nih..meriah di mlm ramadhan..bkn meriah mlm raye je nnt!~
sh0pping raye 1
Friday, August 21, 2009Posted by missyfaie at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009Do u hv cousin(s) whose very annoying? tiap kali jumpe mst nk show off? nk ckp bende2 yg menyakitkan hati? suke memuji diri sdiri? suke condemn org len?
Well................I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
her name is--------------------> miss M..buwek! i hope she'l nvr be my cousin!
*luckily i become cute when i got annoyed!*
Posted by missyfaie at 1:44 AM 0 comments
Today's diary
wat i've done and gonna be done???
6.20am-woke up..shower..etc..
7.05am-otw to fac..follow my abah pegi keje..
7.35am-arrived..fac sgt m'bosankan..pegi cafe dan melantak sebgks nasi lmk kdkt smbl + 1 small bottle of tropicana orange juice.
-then came muz and zati..lepak together while waiting for class..
8.35am-walked to dk..lepak lg..gosip n all b4 class started at 9..they were talking bout mock trial preview which i din watch yesterday coz i got many comments bout it..*bile aku final yr lar diorg nk ckp mock trial nih plg xbest* *sigh*
9.00am-then Prof.Bani came in..and today we learned bout circumstantial evidence..*quite interesting* (only for the 1st hour)
10.00am-masuk 2nd hour for the same lecture n same lecturers..*started to yawn and all*
10.50am-thank god class finished! then gi tgk notice board for final yr kot2 ade new notice..hrpn agar ade kls yg btl for dis wk..mlgnye xde..
-oso notice tina was not in class..maybe she's busy wif her stall for feskum..
-maafkan saye tp rase annoyed dgn Miss U..dlu kini selamanye xsuke dgn die..*i guess*
-then lpk kat comp lab...main game, bukak fb, check email..*lupe bace paper sbb pg td dh bace kosmo kt cafe*
12.15pm-tgh seronok main game tibe2 perut meragam..bkn sekadar memulas2 tp mmg nk t'berak time 2 jugak..thn je sedaya upaya..syg nk tgglkn comp.. -tp akhirnye t' say bubye to the comp and met Mr T *toilet bkn Tan*
12.30pm-*kot* stlh hbs buang sume..agak m'jijikkan..mst gara2 nasi lmk..*blush* pegi comp lab blk tgk xde org! wah ape lg..amik spot same n smbg main game..then came Ang..
1.00pm-lpk at the tutorial room while waiting for evidence tutorial..*alone all the time* sume gara2 miss T.. -siapkan keje2 ttrl yg xsiap..*tp xgak dpt siapkan sume* -mkn junkfood.. -salin blk lecture notes yg b'sepah2..
3.10pm-baru lar kls start...huhu~boring2..tiap kali aku bg jwpn mst xckup capai thp yg dr.jal puas hati..
4.00pm-finished mane lg sempena nk tunggu remedi lecture at 6pm! lpk kat comp lab lg..update blog..*rjin update blog sbb game xle main..*
* ------------not yet done--------------------------------
6.00pm-wil go to Mr. David Mathew class..(he's an indian..not english man) and yes..he's a lawyer..funny, generous, talkative!
6.30pm-after i sign the attendance for me n azmi..*azmi xgi kls..he asks me to sign for him*, i'l leave the class! haha~bye~sape nk tunggu til 8pm..sorry dude.. *aku xslalu buat nih ade hal..*
6.45pm-hope norman wil arrived by this time..short date wif him..yes ponteng kls juz to meet my bf..dh duk umah ssh sgt nk jumpe die.. -not going anywhere..juz jln2 kat feskum..bli brg n mam! hehe~
7.30pm-prepare for maghrib..smyg kat KPS jela sng..selesa ade aircond sume..
8.15pm-hope aid smpi by this time..blk naik moto..gile bdk nih bwk laju gile..hadoi..
8.40pm-hope dh smpi umah..mkn umi sentiasa menyelerakan wlupun dh my mom text me td bgtau hr nih ade rendang daging!
9.00pm-mandi, solat etc.. -siapkan keje tutorial..*alamak kne cr kes remedi!*
11.00pm-snoring? nah~aku tido x b'dgkr walaupun pnt gile..
--------------------------------hope there's stil tomorrow for me-------------------------------
Posted by missyfaie at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Taken from nabesh's blog..hehe~
Monday, August 10, 2009How many have you done?
1) smoked weed or cigs
2) consumed alcohol
3) slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex
4) slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex
5) made out with someone of the opposite sex
6) made out with someone of the same sex
7) had someone in your room of the opposite sex
8) watched porn
9) bought porn
10) done drugs
TOTAL: four..haha..pnh try hsp rokok atuk pe dlu mase bro is the opposite sex rite? (oopsie..jgn slh fhm..) slh soklan x detail.. =P
11) taken pain killer
12) taken someone elses prescription medicine
13) lied to your parents
14) lied to a friend
15) snuck out of the house
16) done something illegal
17) cut yourself
18) hurt someone
19) wished someone to die
20) seen someone die
TOTAL: three! wishing few ppl to die! yeah i'm cruel thx!
21) missed curfew
22) stayed out all night
23) eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself
24) been to a therapist
25) been to rehab
26) dyed your hair
27) recieved a ticket
28) been in a wreck
29) been to a club
30) been to a bar
TOTAL: two? wat ticket actually? confused (-,-) adkh krn aku t'lalu suci maka xdpt fahami..
31) been to a wild party
32) seen the Mardi Gras
34) had a spring break in Florida
35) sniffed anything
36) wore black nail polish
37) wore arm bands
38) wore t-shirts with band names
39) listened to rap
40) own a 50 cent cd
TOTAL: one... =(
41) dressed gothic
42) dressed prep
43) dressed punk
44) dressed grunge
45) stole something
46) been too drunk to remember anything
47) blacked out
48) fainted
49) had a crush on your neighbor
50) had someone sneak into your room
TOTAL: two..but not sure.. =P
51) snuck into someone else's room
52) had a crush on someone of the same sex
53) been to a concert
54) dry humped someone
55) been called a slut
56) called someone a slut
57) installed speakers in your car
58) broken mirror
59) showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
60) brushed your teeth with someone elses toothbrush
TOTAL: three i guess..skrg mula rase soklan nih ntah pape..
61) consider ludacris your favorite rapper
62) seen an R rated movie in theaters
63) cruised the mall
64) skipped school
65) had an eating disorder
66) had an injury
67) gone to court
68) walked out of a restaurant without paying
69) caught something on fire
70) lied about your age
TOTAL: three..omg eating disorder? i think so!
71) owned an apartment
72) cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend
73) been cheated on
74) got in trouble with the police
75) talked to a stranger
76) hugged a stranger
77) kissed a stranger
78) rode in the car with a stranger
79) been sexually harrassed
80) been verbally harrassed
TOTAL: three oso..nape sume 3 je???
81) met face to face with someone you met online
82) stayed online for 12 hours straight
83) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours straight
84) watched tv for 12 hours straight
85) been to a fair
86) been called a bad influence
87) cursed
88) prank called someone
89) laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex
90) cheated on a test
TOTAL: five..huhu~byk r plak..
91) cheated on homework
92) recieved/given a handjob
93) been pushed into a pool
94) played pool
95) watched 5 hours of mtv straight
96) had a crush on someone 10 years older than you
97) had a crush on someone younger than you
98) wear eyeliner
99) skinny dipped
100) laughed at someone who was seriously hurt
TOTAL: four..
TOTAL: and it's 30! so wat does it means?
10-20= goodie good
21-30= a little rebelious (wrong! coz i'm definitely sgt suke rebel!)
31-40= getting hot baby
41-50= rebel
51-60= total bad girl/boy
61-70= bitch/asshole
71-80= cant believe you made it this far
81-90= fucking bad ass
91-100= see u in hell
Posted by missyfaie at 3:25 AM 1 comments
Hari yg malang adlh smlm..
Sunday, August 9, 2009Slps2 b'thn2 x update blog nih (metafora ke hyperbola yg melampau? confused) nih ade cite sdih nk dikongsi..
now aku tgh amik kls driving..dh tua bangka baru nk amik..sigh..byr rm 1k sbb blaja kt metro..wlupun pengurus 2 kwn bapak aku, jgn hrp nk dpt diskaun..
alkisah..cikgu driving aku mule2 time bengkel adlh cikgu din..die kate umur die sebaya bapak aku tgk muke die mcm atuk aku..(tp atuk dh mgkn btul lar die sebaya bapak aku..). after dh start kls for 16h aku dipasskan kpd cikgu najib..(nsib baik x diUMNO kan..) so slame dh brape jam blaja nih sume dgn cikgu najib je..
suddenly smlm cikgu najib bz die pass aku kat atuk din.. =( sgt sdih..sbb msuk2 je kete die dh tgur mcm2, m'bebel mcm2..aku lak dh xle nk fokus..bwk ngan cikgu najib on the road xpnh mati enjin..smlm dgn atuk din mcm hape je..die lak naik2 suare..aku jd mkin tension..nk tgk muke die pon menyampah..asik2 ckp ayat nih:------------
"mcm mane nih fairuz? gagal mcm nih tau x? awk nih nk lesen ke xnk?"
eh bodohnye soklan..kalau xnk lesen watpe aku buang duit byr rm1k kt company tuh ngoks..hati mmg pns thp lava gunung berapi..
the prob was the way die ajar dgn cikgu najib lain tau..cikgu najib tuh tau aku sensitip..kalau buat slh tgur je..jgn m'bebel lame2..nnt aku hilg atuk din tidak mengerti..argh!!!!!!!!
ngan cikgu najib die xksh pon bwk laju ckit..(plg2 pon 60 je..) ngan atuk din aku bru bwk 40 die dh m'jerit tny aku nak msuk f1 ke..haih mane xpns telinga dan hati dan otak aku! mane de f1 bwk 40..logik r ckitkn..geram geram geram!!!
pastu bile kt bumper je nk aku tekan brek hbs..kalau dgn cikgu najib slow je dh lar..pejadah nk tekan brek hbs..aku bkn nk berenti ukur bumper kt c2 kn..eiiiii aiiiii..mmg hangin gile smlm..
blk2..aku ngadu kat mak aku..lalu aku pon menangis.. (aku mmg kuat nangis dr kcik..) syahdu btul..blaja kete smpi nangis..dh lar xlame lg nk pose..bile lar aku nk dpt lesen nih!
rupe aku nangis x seteruk ini:
Posted by missyfaie at 10:25 PM 0 comments