BAGHDAD - Seorang wartawan televisyen Iraq, Muantadar al- Zaidi telah melemparkan kasut ke arah Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS), George W. Bush, sewaktu lawatan mengejut org tua t'sbt ke Iraq..
Fairy tale t'baru hasil karya Bush bertajuk The Bush & The Shoe @ The Bushoe! Korg leh type je kat google n kuar lar b'mcm2 bende..seperti berikut:
~ is Bush a shoe? (obviously not! but i guess his shoes is stinky..dat's why the Iraq reporter threw him a new shoe!)
~ Hit Bush With Shoe Free Game on GamePro - Prepare to Play (gilos..sekejap je dah ade game plik2 utk meraikan fairy tale the Bushoe nih..)
~ Bush 'deserved' shoe insult : World: News: News24 (statement yg dikuarkan oleh Krjn Korea..pdn muke org tua tuh..ape statement Krjn Malaysia?)
~ 12 things to throw at Bush / A shoe? Not bad. (nmpknya byk benda yg nak dibaling lg kat org tua nih..mayb lots of new fairy tales are coming up guys..)
~ Bush describes shoe-throwing scene as sign of free society (statement oleh org tua t'sbt..cover malu ler konon society konon..kalau free society pehal laki tuh kne blsh smpi patah tulang rusuk..)
~ n etc..mcm2 bende lar korg leh jumpe kat google tuh..n smlm aku ade t'bace sumwhere..(pelupanya aku!) kjdn Bushoe tlh m'jd bhn gurauan d mana2 yg aku bace tuh presiden mane ntah ckp "tlg jgn bukak kasut anda skrg..sbb skrg tgh pns..kita semua akan bau kaki anda yg busuk...." n spt: "kasut2 tidak dibenarkan dipakai di dalam hall ini takut kotor..(sbnrnya takut kne baling kat muka sdiri..)"p/s: Bush b'nsb baik sempat elak kasut mungkin lps nih die xdpt elak mana2 peluru yg dtg pulak..btul x?
New fairy Tale-The Bush & The Shoe @ The Bushoe!
Saturday, December 20, 2008Posted by missyfaie at 11:52 PM
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