Stupid Trip To National Museum

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Erm..lps pnt memerah otak pk ape yg aku nak ltk kat blog nih..(i'm x the type yg ltk my daily life here..bkn ape..mmg serius xreti nak tulis camne..unless mmg sumthing yg w0w! happen lar kan..) so pk punye pk idea x kuar gak..try cr bende best online pon xjumpe..aku bukak koleksi gmbr2 yg ade dlm laptop ngan pendrive aku..akhirnye..nampak lar mende alah nih..

Actually dis trip was during our sem holiday..bkn trip saje2 bdk law..(xde keje kitorg nak gi museum..baik gi palace of justice putrajaya..) cuti sem hr tuh most of my frens including me,myself & i..kitorg wat special sem..amik subjek asas pelancongan i think for our elektif luar subject..bile lecturer announce akan wat trip kitorg excited cam bdk tadika nak gi zoo..igt kan pegi lar pulau kapas ke..pulau ketam ke..pangkor ke..skali! pegi MUZIUM NEGARA KL..huh! dah wjb coz after pegi kne wat asgmt...mmg ntah pape..xde bende menarik lgsg! nsib baik msuk byr RM 1 korg nengok ler ape yg menarik kat sane..

1st of all..these were my grup mmbrs for the asgmt..
from left: liyana, me, donovan, azmi n izzati.
kbtln kitorg pki bju in pairs..liyana+zati=red, me+don=orange,
azmi je xikut tema gi pki green..

coz we arrived too pun xbukak we had our breakfast dlu kat cafe die..well cafe die x bad lar..ade gak few choices utk dipilih..condition diepun overall ok gak..harge..kalau nk bndg ngan kolej@uni mmg lar mhl pic it's like i'm holding a feeding bottle!
it's a soy bean k..

msuk2 je after entrance door tuh..nmpk guard die dlu..after nmpk guard..korg akan nampak lar souvenir shop nih..mhl thp gaban..

Dis pis was taken outside of the museum..pns gile time nih..
tp kwn aku yg sengal sibuk srh aku duk sblh patung nih n amik gmbr..

P/s: gmbr dlm museum sume dah delete ats bbrp sbb..1st: xlawa pon kat dlm museum tuh.. 2nd: xde gmbr aku dlm 2 coz sume amik scr formal utk asgmt..


Donovan Lee said...

hoi! link me. lol.

missyfaie said...

to cristina tq 4 luving dis blog~luv u..hehe~hope u can link me in urs..n i'll visit ur blog often..thx 4 d support again!

missyfaie said...

cristina..i couldnt enter ur blog when i click ur name..??